Monday, August 27, 2018

Medicine for Melancholy/Malaysian Maladies

My body is betraying me.

I've been in Kuala Lumpur for almost 2 weeks, and I have not felt physically normal for most of that time.
  • I wake up sometimes with a scratchy throat and congestion from sleeping under 2 mini fans blowing dust. It's too hot to sleep without the fans.
  • My body felt achy a couple of days last week.
  • My sleep pattern has been totally off. Some nights I don't feel sleepy, and I stay up until 1, 2, 3 am and sleep until almost noon. I'm now 13 hours ahead of home instead of 12. That 1 hour should not have made an impact at all. When I was in Thailand, I typically fell asleep between 10:30 and midnight, and woke up around 7 or 8 am. I could not go to sleep at all last night even after trying different tactics. I decided around 7am that I would just get dressed and go running, which would make me tired. I looked out the window before leaving and saw that it was pouring down rain. I retreated to the bed and finally after lying there for what felt like an eternity, I drifted to sleep. I was awakened a couple of hours later by a phone call.
  • I was confined to the apartment for 2 days this week with diarrhea and vomiting. I thought I was over it and returned to normal activities yesterday. My stomach seems to be revolting again this morning. I don't know if it was something I ate or drank. Was it ice? Did I eat something cooked in meat fat or stock? I've heard horror stories about people who ate pork after not having it for a while. Surely, restaurants in a Muslim majority country wouldn't cook with lard. Maybe the real culprit is the smokey haze that covers the city.
I bought a bottle of apple cider vinegar (ACV) last week at the grocery store and have been drinking it with purified water everyday like I did at home to maintain general health and immunity. I tried using my NetiPot for the congestion, and I just couldn't do it. I try to avoid medication as much as possible, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I took something for my stomach after spending the first day shuffling between the bathroom and the bed. I also sent a message to my doctor for a Cipro prescription to handle future issues, and it was quickly filled. I've received diagnoses from a couple of unlicensed WebMD junkies. One suggested I ground myself (connect to the earth barefooted) to realign my sleep. Another said that I was physically manifesting home sickness, and the only cure was to come home immediately.

I just want to feel normal again. I'm in Kuala Lumpur for 1 more day before heading to Singapore. I know I should make the most of my last day and a half, but my body won't let me be great right now. I'm going to try anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no!!!! Praying that you feel better!!!