Saturday, March 20, 2010

Buzz off, mosquito!

Several people have asked me if I'm getting any vaccines for my trip to Nigeria. Thankfully, I received the recommended vaccines for Nigeria when I went to India, and my company paid for them. If I had to pay for them on my own, it would be almost like buying another plane ticket. Many travel vaccines and medications are not covered by insurance. The only medicine I plan to take is Malarone, the malaria pills. I picked them up today at a cost of $153. Since I'm paying out of pocket this time, I will take every single one of those pills. No leftovers. I also have some Cipro left over from India that I never used. Maybe I should check the expiration date. lol

Here's my checklist of things to do for the trip:
Purchase ticket - done
Apply for Nigerian visa - done
Get malaria pills (Remember how well that went in India? lol - done
Send measurements for dress - done
Research the Lagos area for things of interest, dress, local norms - in progress
Apply for Egyptian visa - research says I can purchase it at the airport, but I'm going to keep looking
Research things to do in Cairo (Will I have enough time to go to Giza?) - in progress

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