Monday, June 4, 2018

Pura Vida

Today, is my 37th birthday.  I woke up to rain hitting the roof of my cabana in the Costa Rican rainforest.  I’m supposed to go for a hike in a couple of hours, and later, I will zipline for the first time.  After ziplining, I’m going to do a mudbath and massage.  All of these things are new to me (except the massage), and I would not want do them normally.  This is my year of stepping out of the box and doing things that make me uncomfortable.  I will walk into my fears and discomfort, and do IT anyway.  I am grateful to God for all that I’ve experienced so far, and I know that there is even more in store for me. 
On my half birthday, July 28, 2017, I declared that would not be alone on my birthday.  Although I didn’t have a travel companion, I met a couple at the resort, and we’ve been hanging out together.  It didn’t manifest the way that I expected, but I still received the companionship that I desired.
I am enjoying the natural beauty all around me.  I know that the same God that created the rain, the volcano, the flowers and plants, animals, butterflies, hot springs, etc.  also created beauty within me, I radiate the beauty and light of God.

Today, is my last full day in Costa Rica.  I woke up the sound of the rain pounding on the roof and the birds chirping in the distance.  It has been the same ritual for the past 4 days.  I fall asleep early (before 10pm).  Rain pours down every night, and I am awakened by its clamor on the roof in the middle of the night and each morning between 6 and 6:30am.  The workers said it’s the same every day of the year.  Thus, the term rain forest.  It rains off and on throughout the morning and then stops midday for the sun to make an appearance for a few hours.  I painted my toenails with a polish that changes colors in the sun, but I haven’t seen much of the color transition since I’ve arrived.  If sunbathing was my top priority for coming here, I would be deeply disappointed.  However, since it wasn’t, I’m enjoying the rhythm of the rain and how it bookends each day.  

The level of rain determines the activities for the day too.  For example, the plan was to go tubing with a couple that I met the day before my birthday, but the river was too high that day.  Yesterday, I was supposed to zipline (canopy), but a limb fell on one of the cables during the rain, so ziplining was canceled that day.  I went tubing instead, and that was an adventure I was not prepared to do.  My idea of tubing was floating peacefully in the water, like the Lazy River at Wet n’ Wild.  The water was rough, and there were big rocks all along the course.  I flipped off the tube so many times I lost count.  No wonder they gave us kneepads, elbow pads, a helmet, and of course a life jacket.  We also had to sign a liability waiver before we started.  That should have been a red flag.  I walked away with my adrenaline pumping and bruises covering my hips, legs, and butt from hitting so many rocks.  After that adventure, I returned to the resort to prepare for an afternoon massage appointment.
I ate a small lunch after tubing and still had some time to kill before going to the spa.  I decided to go to the natural sauna and mudbath while I waited.  The natural sauna is a small wooded shed with an open floor sitting over a hot spring.  The resort recommends staying in the sauna for 15 minutes to relax and open the pores before stepping out to apply the mineral-rich volcanic mud all over your body.  After the mud dries, then you wash it off in the outside showers that flow back into the spring.  I followed the instructions, and I found the sunniest space in the clearing to stand and allow the mud to dry.  I did a few sun salutations and other yoga poses while I waited on the mud to dry.  After I washed off the mud, I hurried to the spa for my birthday massage.  I signed up for the Swedish massage, although in hindsight, I probably should have done the deep tissue massage instead.

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