Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm ready...

I received a call last week about my visa. It turns out that I went through the application process again unnecessarily. My last business visa was valid for 10 years, but I didn't realize it. They sent my passport back to me, but kept the application fee.

I also went to the travel clinic to get my shots. Apparently, I didn't get the 3rd dose of Twinrix (HepA/HepB), which was due 6 months after the first dose in 2008. I didn't have to get anything else, because I'm still covered for Typhoid, Polio, and all the required US adult immunizations. I declined to get the vaccines for rabies and Japanese encephalitis. I picked up my prescription for the malaria pills too. I'm supposed to start taking them 2 days before I leave, then everyday while I'm there, and 7 days after I return. The vaccine nurse gave me a long lecture on disease prevention, wearing protective clothing, eating properly, avoiding animals, drinking clean water, etc. I told him I'd traveled to India previously, as well as Nigeria, so I was familiar with the precautions and the CDC website. He still went through all of those details while I sat there looking at the clock wondering how late I would be for work.

My flight, hotel, and local travel reservations have been made. I'll be staying in a hotel near the airport with some other co-workers. I traveled alone the last time, so I had the freedom to move about without checking in with others or going with the crowd. This experience will be different, but I'm thinking it won't be too bad. One of them is pretty cool and we have similar interests. The others are older, but seem to be open to trying new things. We've already started looking at weekend excursions too.

Things are falling into place, and I'm excited about being in India again.

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