Saturday, June 4, 2016

Your Peace You Give Me

5-24-16 12:05am
The plane is slowly pulling away from the gate, and we are moments from takeoff.  I've already completed 2 legs of the journey - Houston to New Orleans then New Orleans to Ft. Lauderdale.  In just 2 more hours I will be in Managua.  This is my first trip to Central America.  I've been eagerly anticipating this trip for months.  Back in November, I saw a post on Facebook for the From Stress to Peace Retreat 2016.  I knew at that moment that I wanted to participate.  As I read the description, my soul cried out and yearned to go.  I knew that I wanted the retreat and the peace it would bring, but I had no idea at the time how much I would truly need it at this time in my life.

Between November and May, I experienced the worst time of my life - the end of my marriage.  I was angry, hurt, sad, confused, hopeful, disappointed, and on a constant emotional roller coaster for the first few months of 2016.  Once everything was settled between us, I knew that I needed to work on making myself better by refilling my spirit with peace, love, and forgiveness.  The retreat couldn't have come at a better time.  Not only will it allow me to relax and enjoy myself, I will learn skills to help me become more peaceful in every aspect of my life.  We will meditate, do yoga, hike, and more all at the fabulous Aqua tree house resort.  I am grateful that I have this opportunity to join with other women from all over the US to experience all that is to come over the next few days at the retreat. 

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