Friday, June 15, 2018

Fantastic Voyage

My year started with adventure, and more adventure awaits me.

Several years ago, I had a dream of leaving my normal life and traveling the world. I researched different teaching programs and international degrees. I thought about how I would support myself during that time away and I started making financial decisions that would put me in the best position. Instead of stepping out and fulfilling that travel dream, I put my dream on hold and married a man (who didn't have a passport). I didn't totally give up on the idea, but I knew it would probably not happen the way that I hoped. After the marriage ended, I committed to myself that I would finally take that journey, and set a bold goal to do it in 2018. I wasn't exactly sure of how I would do it - I just knew it was going to happen.

I took a step in early 2017 that shocks most people who know me. I became a host with Airbnb, an online platform that matches property owners with travelers looking for inexpensive, local lodging. I live near the airport, so my home is very convenient for guests with delayed/cancelled flights, long layovers, and interviews/business at the airport. I decided to be an Airbnb host for 2 reasons: 1) to make extra money for travel and 2) to become more comfortable with people in my space. I knew that I would probably be renting out my house while traveling, so I needed to ease into having strangers in my house. I also thought ahead about my discomfort with potentially sharing lodging with other travelers, so I shared my home to become more comfortable being around other people. I have had some really great experiences and met very interesting people from around the world. In fact, I have maintained my Super Host status for over a year, which means I provide a superior lodging experience to my guests.

Even after making the decision to travel the world and taking some action toward the goal, I started losing heart toward the end of 2017. I felt like it was a crazy dream, and I was too stable to just take off and travel the world. That's something for kids that have just graduated, not for a single woman approaching 40 with a good job and a great life. I started doubting myself and my dream and pretty much gave up until I had a conversation with one of my mentors at the beginning of 2018. I shared my dream with her and my doubts and fears, and she told me to do it before it was too late. Her faith in me was exactly what I needed to hear at that very moment. I was also inspired by a few other women in my life who walked away from what was comfortable and stepped out on faith to do the impossible.  I decided to make it happen in 2018, and I made a verbal commitment to start my journey in July. A few weeks later, I picked a date and circled it on the calendar as a visual reminder of my commitment to myself. A couple of months later, I did one of the scariest things I have ever done. I went to Skyscanner, and I entered my departure airport and the departure date that I circled on the calendar. In the destination field, I typed "Everywhere", and scanned the list of locations from lowest to highest price. I bought a one-way ticket to Thailand! I felt my heart racing. Did I really just do that? I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and tears began to flow. I was excited and scared at the same time. That's what my friend, Charlotte, calls "doing it afraid".

I'm calling my worldwide journey, "Operation Let Go". I have a list of places that I would like to visit and basic entry requirements for those countries, but I'm not locking myself into a set schedule. A couple of people have asked me if this trip is my version of Eat, Pray, Love. Am I trying to find myself? Am I trying to get over heartbreak? Am I depressed? The answer is no to all of those questions. I am whole and I am well. This journey is about me fulfilling a dream at a time when I have the opportunity, the resources, and the good health to do so.

I have 2 objectives:
1) I will be open to the experience and what the universe has to offer. I will just live in the moment.
2) I will help other people in the capacity that they need, both as an individual and by partnering with charitable organizations.

My experience with ziplining and the Tarzan Swing earlier this year in Costa Rica is symbolic of the next chapter in my life. It might be scary, but at the end, I'll be able to say, "I did it!"

I will share more about my preparation for the trip in the coming weeks. Subscribe to this blog to ride along on this "Fantastic Voyage" and read about my adventures.


Unknown said...

Yaaasss Liz!! From zip lining to AirBnB hosting to embarking on this Fantastic Voyage, I love it! Yay you! You are showing us what it looks like to "do it afraid". Excited about all that you will experience on this amazing journey. And maybe I'll meet up with you somewhere along your travel route. You go girl! xoxo

Eclectic Soul said...

I would love for you to join me along the way.